Considering this blog is titled "My Thoughts," I decided I'd to a little activity to express, well, *my thoughts.*
So, starting when I say "now" in capital letters and multiple exclamation marks, I am going to type every thought that crosses my mind.
This is kind of fun! Hmmm. What am I thinking about, anyway? I gotta think something funny, to amuse the readers.
C'mon, Kayla, think something funny.
You've got to have something funny up in that brain of yours.
Think, *clowns*... *T.V shows you've watched*... *failblog?*
Okay. Seriously, this is getting boring.
THINK, Kayla. THINK!!!!!!
Okay, fine. I'm giving up on you.
Let your mind wander...
That little tatoo of a flower (fake of course) looks quite pretty on my hand, though it is slowly fading as they days (and showers) pass.
What interesting sleeves I have--fuzzy, beige...
This sweater is warm.
So are these pajama pants.
I know I put them on at, like, four o'clock p.m., but jeans are just so uncomfortable to sit in, and these pants are really comfy :)
Three minutes till The Bachelorette!
Gosh, I wonder how I'll do on those exams...
You know, I should really stop thinking now.
Okay, it actually wasn't blank.
I thought the word "blank."
Yeah, okay, let's just stop now.
Well... that... worked :) I guess...
It was a fun little exercise, anyway.
Okay, yeah, bye now!
*Hastily runs to T.V. screen, tipping over a flower pot on the way.*