Sunday, June 27, 2010


It's Sunday :)
But you knew that.
Today, I'm in the mood to make lists.
Bunches of lists.
Lists of lists.
So here I go :)
Don't try and stop me.

1. List of things I love.
-My family
-My friends
-My pets
-The colour pink
-Sunny days

2. List of things I hate.
-Large spiders that scuttle in front of you and make you scream
-People who get mad over nothing, and freak out, to get attention
-When people stop loving each other
-Mean people
-When wet, muddy dogs rub against your legs
-The fact that all good things eventually come to an end
-Things being shoved in my face
-Mosquito bites

3. List of things that are extremely cute.
-Little kids
-Kittens and puppies
-Baby pumpkins
-Travel-sized everything
-Young love
-Old love
-Any love
-Saying unexpected nice things
-Mini oranges
-Baby animals

4. List of things I want to do before I'm thirty.
-Conquer fears
-Go on vacation with a friend
-Travel to Greece
-Splash in a huge mud puddle with large rain boots
-Publish a book
-Take a cat for a walk outside
-Draw something that doesn't suck
-Sit on a roof and play guitar
-Complete a whole CD with my band, of our songs
-Slap someone I'm mad at
-On the last day of grade 12, do the ultimate prank
-Ride in a limo

5. Last list! List of my summer goals.
-Write another book
-Do something new, that I wouldn't normally do
-Run along a beach as fast as I possibly can, and not stop until it's impossible to run any more
-Inspire someone
-Help someone who needs me
-Go on vacation
-Have the time of my life

The end.


  1. Awe this was beautiful, I loved it <3 Lots of love.


  2. Lists are great!
    I HATE the smell of wet dogs.
    I have a huuggge bucket list.
    Good luck with your "summer list."

  3. Thanks talia & abby :)
    Smelly, wet dogs are gross for sure :P

  4. I LOVE lists. These ones especially, because they made me smile :)


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