Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Old Stuff

Hey girls! :)
Today I decided I would leaf through a few of my old, old, old Microsoft Word documents, and post some things that I think are funny/nostalgic/amazing. So here we go.
Okay. I found a bunch of old poems and tiny stories from a couple years ago, back in 2008. It was when my Grade 6 teacher (I think?) enrolled me in this “Gifted Young Writers” workshop—ugh, I just hate when people say the word “Gifted”… it’s so cliché and completely exaggerating… Come on, we’re kids, you can not tell how “Gifted” or “Un-Gifted” we are. Anyway, they told us to post all these poems on Wikipedia or something, and short stories, so here are some of my poems:
I found this one that was really sad, about a little baby cat.
Here it is:

-Forever and ever-

I looked down at the new born cat
Hairless, eyes shut, lying on the mat
A part of me said "That's really gross!"
But another part said "I love her the most."

This cat was small, and meek, and cute
She was different, and shy, and right now, mute
She could not meow, or move around
It seemed like she was glued to the ground

However, in spite of those things
I loved her still and thats what it means
To love at first sight no matter how tall
Or skinny or fat or big or small

She was the best thing that happened that day
She was different and special in her own way
I looked after her, cared for her, fed her still
I loved her now and always will

This cat has shown something to me
Just 'cause you're different, can't hear, or can't see
It doesn't mean that you can not live
Or care, or share, or love, or give.

(Pardon the typos… I was young and didn’t really edit my work then.)

I really like the last two lines. Pretty deep, for an eleven year old, eh?
Here’s another one:


Spring is when the flowers bloom
When it's sunny, from morning to noon
Pick an apple and a pear
Sniff the flowers, breath fresh air

Spring is happy, spring is glee
Spring is blooming flowers and trees
Warm and sunny, but sometimes cold
Spring is like a pot of gold

Shiny, shimmery, sparkly and great
Some gentle pink flowers in a vase
Spring, spring, the time to love
The time to care, and look above

See the sky, so blue and fresh
Remember what it's like to rest
Just relax and have a good day
Come on, its spring, here to stay.

Here’s one last one… A haiku.

The warm summer breeze
Blows the leaves on the trees and
Whistles through my hair

Children laugh and play
The have lots of fun all day
In the beach's hot sand

Swimming in the pool
Waiters serving you cold drinks
It's so refreshing

Well, thanks for listening!
This was really fun doing, because as I searched through all my old documents they brought back such clear memories…

Well, I hope you all have a very good day today. As for me, I’m sick with a harsh cough and runny nose, and I have a group of friends coming over this morning at ten o’clock. Hopefully I’ll manage!



  2. hehe, thanks guys :) luv yahh.


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