A Bit About Me

Hola boys and girls.
But mostly girls.
Because when boys open up a page and see four cute baby chickens, they make a run for it.
Anyway, I've created this page to tell you a bit about myself.
And myself is...
...Going to complete this page tomorrow :) Right now I have to study.
This page will be useful so I don't have to explain myself in my blog--it will be like you already know who I am. I'll talk about my interests, hobbies...
I really have to go study though.
exam tomorrow.
Yikes x 20.
Bye guys :)

Ok. Here we go :)

First, I’ll start with the unique things about me:
-I like broccoli.
-I’m synesthetic, which means when I think of a certain word or number I see a colour with it in my mind. Number four = orange. It’s kind of fun :)
-I like running in the rain, not caring if I get drenched.
-When I’m by myself, I sing. Loudly.
-Sometimes I dance, too.
-I’m not that outdoors-y, but I have climbed a tree, sung in the rain, rolled down a grassy hill, hiked, scuba-dived (dove?), and spent hours picking flowers.
-It’s absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for me to write a story—like a real story, with a beginning, middle, and end—in one page or less.
-Sometimes I go on and on about things nobody cares about. But I care.
-I sort of wish computers and technology never existed. That way, I wouldn’t get so sucked in to all these iPods and blogs, and I could actually live… like really live.
-I’m 100% NOT a follower of the “cool group.” I’d never follow anything—I’d never change myself, unless *I* wanted to.
-I’m an extremely picky eater.

Now some short answers.
What I’m doing right now:
Eating peanut-buttered bread and drinking hot chocolate with a shot of coffee.

What I’d like to be doing in five years:
Exactly this. But in Harvard.

Dream job:
Psychologist and part-time author.

What I used to be:

What I am now:

What I want to be:

How I spend my summer days:
Hanging with friends outside, going to the beach, swimming in my backyard pool, writing, reading, dancing, singing, taking photos, cooking yummy food, going on tropical, hot vacations in places like Hawaii or Mexico, playing volleyball. Smiling.

Amount of people I like:
Hundreds… Thousands… Millions… Trillions. Squillions.

Amount of people I dislike:
I don’t know… maybe five?

And lastly, percent of how much I love my life:
Infinity %

1 comment:

  1. I love the list of things that are unique about you! Wow, you're synesthetic? I've always wanted to have something quirky about me like that! We have a lot in common, though! :)


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