Monday, May 31, 2010

My Thoughts

Hola, again :)
Considering this blog is titled "My Thoughts," I decided I'd to a little activity to express, well, *my thoughts.*
So, starting when I say "now" in capital letters and multiple exclamation marks, I am going to type every thought that crosses my mind.
This is kind of fun! Hmmm. What am I thinking about, anyway? I gotta think something funny, to amuse the readers.
C'mon, Kayla, think something funny.
You've got to have something funny up in that brain of yours.
Think, *clowns*... *T.V shows you've watched*... *failblog?*
Okay. Seriously, this is getting boring.
THINK, Kayla. THINK!!!!!!
Okay, fine. I'm giving up on you.
Let your mind wander...
That little tatoo of a flower (fake of course) looks quite pretty on my hand, though it is slowly fading as they days (and showers) pass.
What interesting sleeves I have--fuzzy, beige...
This sweater is warm.
So are these pajama pants.
I know I put them on at, like, four o'clock p.m., but jeans are just so uncomfortable to sit in, and these pants are really comfy :)
Three minutes till The Bachelorette!

Gosh, I wonder how I'll do on those exams...
You know, I should really stop thinking now.
Okay, it actually wasn't blank.
I thought the word "blank."
Yeah, okay, let's just stop now.

Well... that... worked :) I guess...
It was a fun little exercise, anyway.
Okay, yeah, bye now!
*Hastily runs to T.V. screen, tipping over a flower pot on the way.*

The Bachelorette

Definitely my favorite show that's currently on T.V. right now :)
I also like Big Brother, but that's not on until the summer.
Here's Ali (The Bachelorette):

I love those shoes :) I have the same ones.
And here's the guy who she likes the best, so far: Roberto. (He got the first impression rose.)

Cute, eh?
I'm looking forward to tonight's episode; the second one so far!!! Apparently, they all go to the beach and the boys are forced to wear these completely embarrassing outfits. Heh. Personally, I don't think it's that fair, though, though it is still quite amusing... I mean, what if she sees how awful they all look, and can never look at them again without imagining them in those hideous clothes...? It could be traumatizing!
Well, anywho, I'm still excited for the episode :) It's gunna be so funny! And here are my personal opinions...
Favorite: Roberto.
Second favorites: Chris H, Chris L, and Jesse. (And I know I'm forgetting one other one!!!)
Least favorite: Craig M. The one with the stupid hair.
I mean, just look at that!!!

Ouch. Try not to break a mirror.
And it's not just the hair, either!!! Like, how rude would I be if I was on here just insulting this perfectly innocent guy. "Try not to break a mirror." What a bitch!, you would think.
But no. The thing is, he's just really mean.
He always insults the other guys; and he's so cocky, too! So, I suppose he kind of deserves to be made fun of?
(And he had to see it coming, what with the hair and all...)
But anyway. Throughout the show, I might grow to like him and his crazy hair! Ya never know. But as of now, he's not my number one.
<3 Roberto <3 is.
Apparently, one of the guys, it later turns out, has a girlfriend!!!! I don't know who it is, yet...
Any guesses?
I hope it's not Roberto...
God, whoever it is, is SUCH a WANNABE! A wannabe Wes. (You know? That !@*#$^@& who made it to the final three on Jillian's season, with a girlfriend back home.) And why would anyone wanna be like him >:(
So, whoever is the one with the girlfriend, I'll just say this to you:
-Just my opinions, of course.-
My friends Alexis and Oksana also watch the Bachelorette... They probably have similar opinions to mine :) But I'm not positive.
So, everyone, WATCH THE BACHELORETTE!!! There will be much drama, and much excitement, and I for one am completely obsessed. :)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lil Quizzie :)

BLOGGERS!!! I have a surprise for you <|:)
Okay, that was supposed to be a party hat.
Oooh, and what would we do without those little noise-makers!
Alright: ANYWAY. Back to The Surprise.
I'm writing a little quizzie for y'all, which you can copy & paste onto your blog and fill out yourself!
Let us begin.
Something that rhymes with your name:
What you're wearing right now:
Describe your eyes:
What you *value* in a person:
What your looking forward to in the near future:
" the far future:
Favorite person in the world:
Least favorite:
Favorite colour and *why*:
Favorite sport and *why*:
Something weird about yourself you've never told anyone:
An old secret that it's now okay to share:
If you liked this quiz:
And *why*:
~The End~

Okay, so now I'll take it :)
Something that rhymes with your name: Uh... Dayla? Daleda? Sorry; nothing rhymes with my name.
What you're wearing right now: Little pajama bottoms w/ colourful palm trees :) and a yellow shirt.
Describe your eyes: Big and brown. Like a deer :)
What you *value* in a person: Tact, kindness, loyalty, endurance, comedy, and chatteryness.
What your looking forward to in the near future: The Bachelorette is on tomorrow night! :D
" the far future: Getting my braces off, enjoying the summer.
Favorite person in the world: My parents.
Least favorite: Silly. I don't have one least favorite person :)
(I have a list.)
Favorite colour and *why*: Pink. Because it's pink.
Favorite sport and *why*: Volleyball, because it's good exercise and hand-eye coordination and I'm good at serving :)
Something weird about yourself you've never told anyone: I'm synesthetic. It means that each word and number and letter and anything have a specific colour, in my mind. For example, the word "cat" is light purple.
An old secret that it's now okay to share: Uh... all my past crushes, I guess :) But that's to be shared *privately*...
If you liked this quiz: Obviously.
And *why*: 'Cause I made it.
~The End~
-Aw, thank you :)

So take my lil quizzie, if you guys want, and have fun!!!


Crap, I accidentally followed my own blog.
Hahaha :) Oh whatever.

Hurry The Hell Up

So, today, I have a piano recital. It's at 5:30... eeeek! Only an hour left!
Wish me luck ;)
And hopefully I can post a vid of my composition (piece I wrote). I love the ending... *Zip.* Don't wanna spoil it for you.
Just as soon as I delete some photos and videos from my camera, because, as it constantly reminds me, CARD FULL.
So, after this piano recital is over (it'll probably go on for hours... MENTAL NOTE: must bring something to amuse myself with...), the piano lessons are DONE, DONE, AND DONE for the summer :) Yahootie!
I just thought I'd cheer myself up after my last post, with these happy thoughts.
Ice cream by the beach...
Soft sand between my toes...
Sun beating down on my wet blonde hair, after hours of playing in the waves...
Whenever I look at Alexis Ola's blog, Alexis Ola's View On The World, and all her summery posts, it makes me so happy and I get so excited for JUST ONE MORE MONTH AND THEN...
Just one more piano recital...
A few exams in there too...
Twenty days left...
God, I swear, a day won't go by where I'm not
a) Swimming in the sun.
b) Laughing hysterically with my friends.
c) Doing something new and exciting,
d) Smiling.
When the sun is out, it makes me smile.
I like the rain, too; makes me thankful for indoors.
I just can not wait!
Just one more piano recital...

I Love You

When I was sad,
You made me smile.
After school
We'd hang out for a while :)
I loved your cat Tasha,
Your house that was new,
But most importantly,
I loved you.
I'd watch TV,
Or we'd play card games,
You'd talk about hockey,
Who did well and who was lame.
We'd go on vacations,
Sunny and bright,
We'd all go for dinner,
In the night.
I hope those were some
Of your best years;
Singing, and chatting,
And laughing to tears.
I know I miss you,
And I wish the best,
I'm glad I'm typing...
'Cause when I speak I'm a mess.
I love your laughter, and
Your smile; I'll remember
So goodnight, farewell,
You're in my heart forever.
-Your granddaughter


So. Here's how the opera went!
First, we arrived at the theater, called Queen Elizabeth Theater, and it wasn't too crowded. We happily walked over to the VIP desk (oh yeah) and got our passes. Then we were welcomed inside by this nice lady named Selina :) She knew David, so they said friendly hellos.
The room was pretty packed, with mostly older people, and a few odd people such as a) I saw a old-ish woman with tattoos on her legs. b) There were a few drag queens, maybe but I'm not exactly sure. c) There were some punk teenagers with spiky hair. Anyway, we chatted with some of David's friends, and talked about the opera, and then the doors opened and we were let in!
Soon, the opera started. It began with these people all dressed in black, doing this little scene. And then, Pinkerton came on (the male lead) and began to sing. Oh my god, he was so good! I could never sing that high... And the female lead, Butterfly, was just AMAZING! It was such a dramatic story, with so many emotions, and, though it was in Italian, it was very easy to understand due to the English subtitles up on a screen at the top. It was such a new and great experience--I really liked it.
I won't tell you the whole synopsis of the show, because it would give it away ;)
Then intermission.
We went out and mingled again, and by now the room was packed and if you wanted to get from one side of the room to the other, you'd have to literally squeeze through. Everyone was talking about the opera, and how much they liked it... I agreed. David and I walked past some guys on computers, and he told me They Were the Bloggers. Hehehe. Am I a "blogger"?
So, intermission ended, and the second half was almost as good as the first--all the amazing singing, intricate costumes, gorgeous lighting, dramatic acting--with one exception. At this one part, when it was supposed to be another intermission, they didn't want to carry the show on too long so instead they hung down these screens, and there were all these random drawings and colours on them. I found that a little boring, since it went on for a while. But then, when the show started, it was amazing all over again :)
So IN SHORT: I really liked it :D
And seriously? It's not all that old fashioned. It's just a really good show. You guys should try going to an opera--they strongly encourage young people. In fact, there's a discount on the tickets...
Another interesting fact: there was no amplification! None at all! Not for the instruments, nor the singing... I was amazed at how loud it could still be, and how the strong voices carried throughout the whole just-under-3000-people-seated theater! Again, amazing. Almost, inhuman.
At the end, I asked David, "So are you going to give it a good review?"
"Definitely!" he said.
By noon this morning, it'll be in the Vancouver Sun :)

Saturday, May 29, 2010


So, tonight, guess where I'm going?
Aw. What gave it away?
Well you're right--an Opera! Madama Butterfly :)
Pros: I'm going with David Duke, an Opera critic! We have really good seats. And, the best part, I get to get all dressed up :) I'm wearing my Grad dress from Grade 7.
Cons: It's in Italian.
When I get back, I'll post every detail for you. Eeee! Can't wait! :)
P.S., Do you think cameras are allowed? Hope so.

Have You Ever Tried...

Hey, again! I'm just waiting as my Triscuits with Cheese are cooking... yes, they are worthy of Capital Letters.
Honestly, Triscuits (those little squares--or triangles!--made of wheat) with Cheese (cheddar or marble) are SO GOOD! If you put it in the toaster, the Cheese melts, and oh my god... so good.
I can't take credit, though. My amazing, awesome friend, Kieran, showed me this. I'm pretty sure she, or someone in her family, invented it :) So, THANK YOU, KIERAN!!! I don't know what I'd do without
Truiscuts and Cheese.

My Pretty Flower

Okay. Let me just see if it will work to upload a picture...
YES! It did :) Okay, good. Now I'll know in the future how to upload photos.

Isn't it a pretty flower?
I enjoy my pretty flower.
I'm changing this blog post title from "A Picture" (*yawn*) to "My Pretty Flower" (much more to-the-point.)

My First Post

Hey, guys! Welcome to my blog. On here, I'm going to tell you how my various days went, what I think of different things, and sometimes I'll post some of my writing and you can give me feedback. Here are some things you should know about me, first.
1. My name is Kaleda, but everyone calls me Kayla. Kaleda is pronounced "Kay-lee-da."
2. I luvluvluv writing fiction, reading fiction, playing Volleyball, doing Circus (aerial silks, trampoline, trapeze), hanging out with my friends, going shopping, and, soon-to-be, BLOGGING!!!
3. I should be doing my homework right now.
4. I'm not a mean person, and I really hate mean people.
5. I have two cats: Dickens, and Tasha. Dickens is white and gray, and pretty small, and Tasha is a tabby and she's very fat :)
6. I absolutely hate when girls follow other girls around: copying them, doing whatever they say. They're like sheep. It's like, one girl is in complete control of the other. No independence at all. And it's not friendship, it's just a huge control game. I like real friendship.
7. My toenails are currently painted purple.

So there are some things about me, and some of my opinions. You'll hear a lot more, soon.
But, as number three stated, I really should get going on my homework... Yeah, I have six pages of French to finish... TIP: schedule your appointments around French class, thus you will not miss a class and get your homework all piled up on the weekend...
Okay, I better get going. And I know this post was extremely short, and I didn't even include pictures... *Gasp!* but trust me, there will be more later on :)