Monday, May 31, 2010

My Thoughts

Hola, again :)
Considering this blog is titled "My Thoughts," I decided I'd to a little activity to express, well, *my thoughts.*
So, starting when I say "now" in capital letters and multiple exclamation marks, I am going to type every thought that crosses my mind.
This is kind of fun! Hmmm. What am I thinking about, anyway? I gotta think something funny, to amuse the readers.
C'mon, Kayla, think something funny.
You've got to have something funny up in that brain of yours.
Think, *clowns*... *T.V shows you've watched*... *failblog?*
Okay. Seriously, this is getting boring.
THINK, Kayla. THINK!!!!!!
Okay, fine. I'm giving up on you.
Let your mind wander...
That little tatoo of a flower (fake of course) looks quite pretty on my hand, though it is slowly fading as they days (and showers) pass.
What interesting sleeves I have--fuzzy, beige...
This sweater is warm.
So are these pajama pants.
I know I put them on at, like, four o'clock p.m., but jeans are just so uncomfortable to sit in, and these pants are really comfy :)
Three minutes till The Bachelorette!

Gosh, I wonder how I'll do on those exams...
You know, I should really stop thinking now.
Okay, it actually wasn't blank.
I thought the word "blank."
Yeah, okay, let's just stop now.

Well... that... worked :) I guess...
It was a fun little exercise, anyway.
Okay, yeah, bye now!
*Hastily runs to T.V. screen, tipping over a flower pot on the way.*


  1. kayla that actually did amuse me.
    i was sitting her in my red chair, in my froggie pants reading your blog at 11:30pm (:

  2. hahaha
    i'm imagining you, with a little bun in your hair.
    cute ;P
    and i'm glad i amused yah.


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.