Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Poetically, My New Blog.

Hi guys :)
So, I was thinking since this blog isn't very deep or moving, I should do another blog.
On this one I can go on about my day, and my friends, and interesting things that happen in my life. But on the other blog I can be more artistic and deep.


http://poetically-kaleda.blogspot.com/ , if you're interested :)


  1. Hm I don't know, I think tht maybe you should do a deep blog post one day on this blog and blog post about whats going on another day. Sometimes when you start a new blog its hard to gain all of the followers you've earned, plus its hard keeping up with two blogs. Its your choice though =) Lots of love <3

  2. Of course I'm interested I'll go follow right now! Good Luck though!!

  3. talia--thx for the suggestion :) i might do that if i'm finding it doesn't work out. but i'll just try it for a bit, like a few weeks or so, and if i don't like it i'll just delete it and do a few posts on here that are deep :]

    shannon--thanx :D

  4. Sureeee love! I'll follow! :)



If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.