Monday, September 6, 2010

Hello :) It's Been a While.


It's my last day of summer.


Not that I had any big plans for today, anyway, but STILL.
Way to end the summer...


Rain can be beautiful.
If you think about it.
Especially when it makes rainbows.
Those are amazing.
Maybe there will be one tomorrow, when I start school.
So I guess it's not so bad that it's raining.
But it still kind of sucks.

It's all... gloomy.

I normally like the rain, when the glistening drops are pouring down hard and making that comforting pitter-patter sound, and I'm thankful for my safe, dry house. But today it's not pouring down, just drizzling, and everything is gray and wet.


Eh, oh well.

I'm not going to let that kill my mood :)
I'm actually... EXCITED!! :D
For school, that is.
Not the homework, obviously.
But I'm excited to just, see everyone again!

Who's gotten their braces off?
Who's gained weight?
Who's dyed their hair?
Who's got a new piercing?
What's everyone wearing?
That? Eeeww.

So I guess I don't really mind that it's my last day of summer, or that it's raining.
Because school's tomorrow, and that always excites me :)

I know everyone denies that they're excited to start school. They're like, "Ew. Why can't summer go on longer? Wah, wah."
But I bet everyone secretly is.

I'm going on about this BECAUSE
for the first week of school I may not have time to blog.
And then on the weekend I have plans.
Maybe Sunday I can post, though...

But my birthday's coming up :)
September 20th.


So, lots of exciting things are coming up for me.
May not blog for a bit.
But I'll be sure to comment on all YOUR awesome blogs!!



  1. Love this post =) Lots of endless love <3

  2. I think that too everybody complains about it but really i think everyone likes it in someway like some people are excited for Ooh whos dating whom? Who got dissed over the summer? Are the cliues still the same?...


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.