Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hello :)
Ugh, I was on the computer a few seconds ago, trying to upload the pics from my photography camp when it suddenly froze. And I kept trying to exit and control, alt, delete but it wouldn't work, and the computer is MESSED. :(
And the pictures aren't on this computer (my laptop that I'm on) so I can't upload them now.
Maybe tomorrow?
Is that ok?? :(
Sorry. I keep delaying, but it wasn't my fault this time! D:
Anyway, I'll tell you about my Hawaii trip instead.
I was at The Big Island, staying at the Mauna Lani (spelling??) resort.

So, exciting things that I did:
-I attempted to surf.
-I saw these adorable wild cats.
-That's about it xD

There isn't much exciting that happened, really--I mostly spent the time sitting by the pool or beach on those chair-things and reading :) I finished reading these books as I was on vacation (in this order):
-Fake Boyfriend by Kate Brian (on the plane ride there).
-Airhead by Meg Cabot.
-My Little Phony by Lisi Harrison.
-Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella (BEST BOOK, LIKE, EVER!!!!!!! Sophie Kinsella is an amazing author.)
-Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot (on the plane ride back--I really liked this book & couldn't put it down!)

I'm also about half way through I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You by Ally Carter, and Pretty Little Liars #2 -Flawless-, by (OH CRAP I'M SPACING ON THE AUTHOR'S NAME RIGHT NOW. *Smacks head*)

Haha, but anyway, it was really fun :D
I tanned a bit.
And other things I did besides read were,
-Drink coffee in the morning with my mom :) (with four or five packs of sugar added :P)
-Eat breakfast: we brought a toaster (we are so high-maintenance xD) and ate bagels for breakfast. (We also brought peanut butter & jam.)
-Go to dinner in the evening with my mom (we went to a different place each day)
-For desert, go to the Marble Slab (AWESOME icecream shop!!)
-Have always the same lunch (quesadillas, fruit medley smoothie, and fries w/ ketchup.)

And I swam in the pool a lot too :D

So there ya go, my vacation.

My friend Alexis's birthday is also on the 22nd of August :) I just came back from her birthday actually, haha so if there are a bunch of typos in this blog post it's cause I'm dead tired....
Anyway, party hat & noisemaker



  1. the author's name is Sara Shepard [isn't that series really good] thanks i think im going to read those I read some of them like the one by ally carter and the the clique :)
    thats great you had fun :)


  2. Wow Hawaii sounds so...peaceful. I'm defintely checking out Twenties Girl, and Boy Meets Girl =) Lots of endless love! <3

  3. I'm so jelous! It sounds really relaxing, I could really use a tropical vacation right now. I mean, come on. Reading, relaxing, and eating all day = pure bliss. I'm gald you had fun. I'm excited for your photos from photography camp, if you can ever get them on!(:

  4. hehe thx guys :)
    yeah it was really relaxing, and OHH RIGHT!!!!!, her name is sara shepard xD thx! haha
    & yup, i'm just about to put on the pics :D
    luv you guyz <3 tx for the comments!

  5. I love the Airhead series! Wow you read a lot. Haha.
    That all sounds so perfect & peaceful.
    Thanks for the shoutout! :)


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