Friday, August 13, 2010

What Booster Juices, Crazy Friends, and a Whole Lotta Dancing Can Cause.

We only went out for a booster juice.
Alexis (the crazy one), Kieran (the crazier one), and me.
We got there, and we:
-took pictures with the life-sized booster juice thing-y
-ordered pina coladas, strawberry sunshines, and some random pomegranite thing :)
-found out that there was a concert going on, right outside.

So we went, obviously :)
And... well, I mentioned my friends were crazy, right?
But we'll get to that later.
First, we went into this shop with a whole bunch of gadgets including:
-Bra Carriers.
-This disgusting perfume that I screamed "EW!" when I smelled but then tried to lamely cover up by saying "I mean, mmmm."
-Beach balls
-Those little magnets with hilarious messages on them like, "Hangovers are the wrath of grapes."
-Twenty dollar (EACH!) little tacky glass beads. I know.

We as well discovered those little "Say and Play" thing-y-ma-jigz. xD
You know? You record a message and you play it back?
You could record things, to test the greatness of the toy.
As per my idea, we programmed them all to say "JUST BUY THE TOY." In an angry voice >:)
Hee hee. I thought that was quite hilarious at the time.

We chatted w/ the store owner, and tried to sell the overpriced beads. To these other girls in the shop I said, "I reccomend the twenty dollar beads."
They didn't respond.
"They'll really IMPRESS THE BOYS!!!!" my friend Alexis screamed.
We fell to the floor laughing, and those poor girls didn't say anything back. Because what do you say to that?

The concert.
It started, and we were HYPED.
Kieran suggested we dance, wildly, in front of everyone.
So we did.
We got up and danced in the front, in front of EVERYBODY, which normally would be mortifying but with my friends I just felt pumped. We flipped our hair and did all these cheesy moves like the "disco," because we are just that rad. :P
And we danced around and sang along to the songs we knew and made a train on the song Chain. x]
So this woman comes up to us, these wacky, crazy people dancing all around with all eyes watching, and asks for our picture.
So we strike this funky pose and she takes our picture, except it blurs, but she doesn't notice so she says THANKS! and walks away.

Later though, as we were sitting down, chilling after our dancy funky-ness, she asked to take another picture of us.
So we just smiled semi-normally, and Alexis did a peace sign behind my head (gee, THANKS) and she took our picture.
It turned out well, I assume.
Because she said,

"Look for your picture in the news."

We started screaming, like literally, SCREAMING.
I've only been in the news once before, and to me it's a HUGE deal x)


We only really wanted a booster juice.


  1. Lolz wow, oh my gosh that sounds SO amazing. It seems like you and your friends had a lot of fun together! I REALLY enjoyed reading this, and am SO happy for you and your friends, YOUR GOING TO BE IN THE NEWS PAPER! Ha-ha. That is why everyone has to live their life to their fullest potential, you never know what's going to happen. Lots of love <3

  2. Oh my god i wold totally love your friends you seem like you have real fun together and your going to be in the news paper!!So Cool! if you can take a picture of it for us!


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