Monday, August 2, 2010

My New Untitled Book

Hey :)
I posted the first chapter of my new untitled story.
Unfortunately, it wouldn't let me upload a picture (can anyone tell me how to upload pics to those static pages?). So I'll post it here.
This would be the cover of the book, if it were published:

Like it?

As I said in the page, the characters are:

There's Jeanette, the tough, sporty girl who likes sarcasm and making fun of weak people.
Then there's her best friend Casey, who's extremely DESPERATE for a boyfriend and is a total drama queen about it and everything else.
The boys in the story are Sebastian, Xavier, and Alex. Sebastian and Xavier are total nerds, but the difference between them is that Sebastian *likes* being a nerd but Xavier strives to be cool. He's also desperate for a girlfriend.
Alex, on the other hand, is super cool and rules the school. (That rhymes :P)
And he has a dumb but very attractive girlfriend named Annika--who's basically just a bitch.

And it goes from there :)

I have way more chapters to post--tell me if you want me to post more :D


  1. It sounds sos so cool hey guys oh and read.comment.follow my blog

  2. Post, post, post!

    I love it! I know a kid who is exactly like Xavier!

    I LOVE IT!


  3. Oh I am going to read your story right now! I love the cover, and the characters, and I'll try my best to think of a title for you! Lots of love <3

  4. I'll totally read it once I get the time! The character profiles sound really amazing, I can't wait!
    Do you think you could comment on my latest post? I need everybody's help with it!


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.