Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Like Summer :)

Hey guys :)
I haven't posted in a while, because I've been very busy. I'm in this volleyball day-camp thing, and omg it's *exhausting.* But really fun :)
From 1:30-4:30 it's like nonstop playing volleyball except short water breaks. And for once it's super sunny out = tres hot.
*Dramatically faints.*

But I have been writing a bit!
My friend Kieran and I are working on a new novel, "Independent." That's the title. It's about this teenaged girl and all her loved ones died so she's all alone :( So she runs away, because she really doesn't want to live in an orphanage, and so she manages in the woods on her own.
As well, she saves a little girl from getting run over by a train; fights for food and water; and meets this rich boy who she saves from a pack of wolves.
Impressive, right? :P
We're on page 20 right now, but we're hanging out on Friday so I'm hoping maybe we'll get up to 30? :D *Crosses fingers.*

I'm also editing this book I wrote a while ago. I just kind of abandoned it for a while.
Sometimes I get bored of a certain book and need a break from it. So this book I was working on, I was on page 100 or 130 or something, and I just had to write like *FIVE MORE PAGES* and it would be completely done. And then I could say I finished another novel! :)
But for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. So for, like, a month I totally abandoned it and suddenly I'm like "KAYLA. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU. GO FINISH IT!"
So I did :D
And now I'm editing it, which is a very long and hard process. D:
I really want to send it in to a publisher soon though!
Maybe in the winter I'll be done. Who knows.

So besides editing THAT book, and working on Independent, I'm also working on three other books.
A Summer to Remember (See at top of blog), Life Flashes Before Your Eyes, and this new kind of untitled one about these different people's instant message conversations.
So there you go--that's what I've been up to :)
But don't worry, I still obsessively check all your blogs to see if you've posted something new! :P
I just hadn't had it in me to do a whole blog post for a while.

Anyway, I better go eat breakfast.


  1. I do the same thing. I was so close to finishing a book, but I decided to abandon it and I didn't know why. I might finish it soon, though! I'm also working on a bunch of books, like you. Have you ever sent a book into a publisher before? How did it work, and what happened?

  2. I SUCK at volleyball. Lol.
    Oooh that sounds great you should post some of it! :) (About the one you & Kristen are writing.)

  3. [INSERT OHH AND AHH]thats sounds soo cool you sound post that story it sounds soo good!! good luck editting
    hope you had a good breakfast!


  4. Just like Abby said, I suck at volleyball too. Ha-ha, but I think it's impressive for you to do something like that. Nonstop volleyball. Sounds VERY tiring =) Teehee. Wow that's a lot of stories your working on, you should really post some of them so we can read! =) Lots of endless love <3

  5. thanks all for the comments :) <3
    i'm going to go comment on all your blogs in response, so go check! :)
    except talia--tear :'(--because her blog is no longer active so i'll respond here :P hehe.

    yeah, it is VEERRY tiring and i'm always so sore after xP and yeah, i'll for sure post some more of my stories soon! :)
    endless love to you as well <3

  6. Thanks for telling me about the publishing thing. I went online and found a really useful site about how to publish a book - it says that first you need an agent, otherwise there's pretty much no chance the publishing company would publish your book. It's a really long process apparantly. I just thought that might help you. :) Here's the site:

  7. I had volleyball camp 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. It sucked! I had fun the first day, but then I got the flu. :( I like this post, though. (: X's and O's, Hannah. ♥

  8. That's intresting can't wait to hear the novel. Oh and I luv Summer to haha. Hey guys, read,comment, and follow my blog!

  9. francesca- thx so much!! i'll check out the site :) ty-ty-ty!!! :D
    hannah- OUCHH. :( 9-4? god that must have been hard. and flu always sucks.
    thx , about liking my post :D
    ngozia- thx!


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.