Monday, July 19, 2010

A Few Pics

It's amazing where a book can take you... To heaven; to hell; underwater; or just a normal day on earth. Books can take you where no other form of entertainment can--and the best part? It's all in your mind, so you can imagine it the way you want to. That's why I love writing. I love reading, too--I love everything to do with words, and description, and thinking deeply... How can you not?

With the right angle; the right lighting; the right camera; the right setting; the right time... you can make anything, even a simple purple converse shoe, look like the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

Animals are amazing, the way they bring happiness to humans like nothing else can...

Couldn't say it any better myself.

Oh, and one more thing...

I love the world.


  1. Awe I really loved this and agree with you on everything you just said =) Lots of endless love <3

  2. I LOVE YOU! Seriously. Lol.
    YES I've always said this about books...I've always been a bookworm! I won "Class Bookworm" in 5th grade. :)

  3. I love this. <3 I'm the same exact way! (: I love your posting. X's and O's, Hannah.

  4. talia- thanks :) endless love back!
    abby- hahaha ILU TOO! xP fellow bookworm.
    hannah- thanks :D !

  5. Of course I'm following

    Your blog and post was amazing. I also stole a few of your pictures on this post. Shhh.


  6. hahah yay! thx :D
    and no problem :P

  7. "I love everything to do with words, and description, and thinking deeply" - I think we could be twins. This sounds just like me. (:
    I love words. It's the way I think. In any situation I'm in, I turn the scene into a paragraph automatically in my head, it's just the way I work.


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.