Sunday, July 4, 2010


Firstly and foremost, I apologize about not posting on friday. It was my half-sister's birthday and I was just too bizzay. :(
But hey, I swear, it won't happen again.
Which is why I'm posting now :)
And today, I'll tell you about my lil swimming trip.

A light-hearted post, after my last Deep Confusingness.
So here we go.

So me and my bestus bud Kieran (follow her blog at ... she loves water ;P) went SWIMMING, of course, because as I just said, she luhhh-vs water.
Kieran's awesome :) We always have fun when we hang out. In fact, I'm at her house hogging her computer right now.


So swimming. We went to the west van pool (cuz it's warm... like a bath!) and began swimming.
Quickly, I became addicted to the twisty slide.
So I kept wanting to go on it, and then I said, "OKAY, I SWEAR. JUST ONE MORE TIME." Kieran sighed. "No!!!" she laughed. So we agreed she'd wait at the bottom for me, and I'd go down.
So I climb the stairs, and I'm at the top, right?
And she's at the bottom.
And conveiniently (spelling... I know) there was a clear wall at the top so I could see her. So I look down, and she's looking up at me from the pool. And of course, because she's Kieran, she starts making faces.
And I, because I'm Kayla, start to laugh uncontrollably, and make faces back.
And this poor man is standing out of the pool, directly in front of Kieran, and that poor soul thinks I'm making faces at HIM.
So I make a point of looking OVER and BEHIND him as I make the faces.
He looks to the left. He still doesn't see who I'm making faces to.
He looks to the right. Still nobody.
So now Kieran is sticking her butt out of the water, and JUST AS THE MAN FINALLY FIGURES IT OUT AND LOOKS BEHIND HIM,
he sees Kieran now
... AT HIM.
And I can see the look in his eyes--he's FREAKING out.
I laugh so hard I can't breathe.
Kieran is oblivious and thinks I'm laughing at her funny joke.
Later, as I explain to her, she starts laughing very hard as well and insists I post it on my blog.
So I do ;)


Ahhh that was fun.
And there you go--your Funny Story of the Day.

TTYL--gotta give Kieran her computer back.
Follow her blog, people!!



  1. Haha, me & my friends are always getting into funny situations like that!
    Nice story(:

  2. Lolzz that was so funny, thanks for making me laugh love =) <33

  3. hahah np, and yeah i love when those kinds of things happen that just make you hysterically laugh :)


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.