Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Just Have this One, Nagging Question... Can You Answer It for Me?

One day I just wondered
What started it all?
The very first tree, in the very first world, in the very first universe…

I thought of people, and how they originated
Why did it happen?
Was one cell just magically made, out of nothing, somewhere, somehow, unknown…

I’m not religious, so I don’t take the easy answer of “God created life”
I seriously wonder: how did I get here?
Maybe it was all just an accident; not supposed to happen; not because of any reason whatsoever…

“There must be an explanation for everything,” says my school teacher
But there isn’t, is there?
You can’t explain why the rain falls or how everything started… You can’t explain how everything will end
Why not?
I want to know.

I just want to understand…
Who can I ask?

Like this crazy, inflowing, messy poem,
life confuses me.

P.S., I finally figured out how to enable comments on "A Summer Story" !! :) Feel free to comment, now :]


  1. This post was really deep, and I loved the poem. I don't think anyone has the answers to your questions except for God himself. Maybe when we die were able to discover all the secrets of life, all of the questions your pondering. But maybe now were not suppose to know. Maybe were suppose to come up with an answer ourselves. You ask these questions, but without them life wouldn't be the beautiful mysterious thing it is now, would it? Lots of love...


    How did you put the comment box on your pages? I've been wondering that forever!

  2. This is beautiful. I think the same thing from time to time, but I absolutley love how you wrote it.

  3. I wonder a lot too...I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  4. thanks for the lovely comments :)
    check your blogs.
    i commented on all :]


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.