Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I just think this photo is gorgeous... it's natural beauty and I like that :) All this photoshopped nonsense... bleeeh D: I prefer natural, real photographs.
Just looking at this photo feels exhilarating; I imagine myself at the top of that huge cliff, gazing down at our beautiful world, wind in my hair and a smile on my face. There's something so inspiring about being on the very top of a cliff at sunset... I don't know exactly what it is, but it's something. I feel like I can do anything, and nothing can stop me. I feel so real, and alive... like everything I do is all worth it, and it'll pay off in the end. I don't know. Something about that picture just makes me so happy.
This summer, my friend Alexis and I are going to go into a photography camp--I can't wait! :D It's at Capilano University. I want to take photographs like that one, of natural scenery; beauty.
Well, anyway. I just wanted to share that gorgeous photo with you guys. If I find more, I'll for sure post them. :)
Buh-bye for now!


  1. OMG, i also hate all those "fake" photgraphs, they annoy me. I love photos of flower, sunset and natural beuty. Whenever I see a photo of nature, like grass, butterflies or even something as simple as the clouds, i smile at the great work of mother nature (:
    Photography camp is going to be so much fun!
    I wanna get a professional camera for my birthday
    so badly, but they cost like a thousand dollars :'(

  2. yeah i know :(
    and yeah, i love natural fotographs, 2. they're the best :)

  3. :) i have one, i don't know how much it cost but my dad gave it to meee heheh.

  4. so jealous x(
    i love your cool camera!!!!
    *throws tantrum*


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