Sunday, June 13, 2010


So my random blog post of this sunday is....



"kayla, seriously, what the hell are you talking about?"

You haven't heard?


Okay. I'll tell you.
Aires is pronounced "air-ees" like the sign, but spelled differently. It is the name of a band, with four guh-orgeous girls, filled with sweet guitar, lovely clarinet, beautiful piano, and stunning vocals. They're the next big thing, you just watch ;) And guess who's in the band?
and me :)
I play guitar and sing a bit, and I can also play clarinet and piano but since Madeline and Hannah already do that, I just play guitar :) And sing. A bit. But Kieran is by faaaar the best singer :)
So today, we went to a recording studio... eeek! I know.
I completely expected a huge fight to break out over WHY DIDN'T YOU GET IT RIGHT or WHY ARE YOU CHANGING IT NOW?! or some other bloody thing.
But guess what? It didn't :) We were amazing, if I do say so myself ;)
Hopefully it'll be a hit, but I don't know... I'm happy with how it is now, our very first song on a private soundtrack.
So we've had a mini-photoshoot (photo credit to us, Kieran's mom, and Brian, our instructor) of us jumping on the trampoline, sitting on a playground, and on rocks surrounded by flowers with our instruments (except piano... haha) and now we've gone to a recording studio, and next we'll be preforming some old songs at a senior's centre!
It's gunna be so fun :)
And I'd upload a photo from our shoot--I truly would--but we haven't uploaded them to the computer yet because it's out of memory so we can't save them... Ah well, we will later :)
This has been my random venting of the day,
And I hope you somehow enjoyed,

P.S--check out my new story, A Summer Story, if you feel like it. I don't know how to enable commenting on it, please tell me if you find out, but in the meantime you can just comment on this blog and tell me what you think, or if you have any suggestions :) Thanks a bunch! -Kk.


  1. i'll laugh and tell ppl that im the skinny girl's friend when you guys get famous... XD kay?


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.