Friday, June 25, 2010

Things That Occured

Well, my week so far went good, I'd say.
Pretty good.
-It's summer = no work!
-I hung out with my friends and family a lot this week.
-It's been so sunny and nice out.
-It was just a generally awesome week :)

-I have bronchitis.
-My mom's in China!
-My friend Claire is leaving soon, so I always feel like this might be the last time I see her.
-IT'S TOO HOT OUT... *pant, pant.*

I discovered this thing (okay, my friend showed it to me) called CleverBot.
It's hilarious to make conversation with it xP

I watched a Bachelorette Spoiler... Oooh, gunna be a very delicious episode Monday!!! Huge confrontation is going to happen :D

I've been searching for this certain picture that I saw on Talia's blog, , and it's like this list of numbers and each one says to look at another number, for example.
1. look at number two!
2. look at number eight!
I want it because at the end it says something really nice and I want to send it to my mom who's in China :) <3
Talia, if you read this, could you please send me the link to it or something, or tell me which page of Weheartit it's on? If it's even on Weheartit... I don't know. Just making assumptions.
Pretty please and thank you! :)

I made iced coffee this morning.

I woke up at six twenty-ish this morning due to a ton of sun coming through my window, which was a really nice way to wake up.

This week, I hung out with my lovely friend Kieran, who has a blog which you can see from this link:
It's hilarious and really fun! :)

I also hung out with Claire, Oksana, Justine, Alexis, Cherry, and Selina. :) It was fun!
They either don't have a blog or never post on their blogs.

My niece and nephew both did some really adorable things this week.
Niece = Jenna. 2 years old.
Nephew = Cole. 3 years old.

Cute Thing that Cole Did:
Cole, my half-sister (his mom), and I were walking to the park, but it had been torn down by a "mean, bad" bulldozer so we were walking back. There was this red sign in front of an outside restaurant that said "No Hard Alcohol Beyond This Point!". Cole asked what it said. We told him.
He asked why.
We tried to explain.
Then he wondered,
"...Can I have some hard alcohol?" in this adorably cute voice :) I was laughing a lot, and in my head going AWW!
We told him no, he could not have some hard alcohol.

Cute Thing that Jenna Did:
Jenna and Cole were really bonding this one day. They were causing a ton of mischief by tipping over small chairs and laughing really hard, refusing to eat their dinner, running all around in circles gleefully, and such.
So they went upstairs in Jenna's room to play, and they wanted to jump on her little crib. So they started jumping and giggling while I supervised that they didn't hurt themselves, and then eventually they got worn out, of course.
They wanted to pretend to go to sleep, so after a bit of arguing over which blankets they had, they settled down. Just pretending, though, that it was bed time.
Cole said, "Good night!" and then pretended to sleep.
Jenna sighed. "It's been a long day," she said.
She pretended to sleep too.
I found that extremely adorable, as if she was an adult hard at work the whole day, finally getting a rest! Again, I thought AWW!
She probably picked it up from some adults.

They're both so cute :)

So my week was fairly good, besides the bronchitis.
Hope everyone else's week was amazing!!!


  1. Aw, they sound adorable! I'm glad you've had a good week, but I'm sorry about the cons :/

  2. This post made me grin widely, and here's the link that has the picture...

    I did get it from but i have way to many pictures hearted on my account to browse through and find the pic, so I just put the pic on my blog did some things here and there and thats how u have that link that has the picture ur looking for! did i just make any sense? probably not. teehee. lots of love <3


  3. francesca- thank you! I hope you had a wonderful week as well.
    talia- thankyouthankyouthankyou!! :D


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.