Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bunch 'a Stuff

I have a few things to cover in this blog post...
1. My fun time babysitting yesterday and this morning :)
2. Some more gorgeous pictures I found!
3. My new schedule.

Let's begin with number one, shall we?
So yesterday, and this morning, me and my dad babysat Cole, my nephew (long story. Short = I have a nephew and a niece named Cole and Jenna. SO CUTE, BOTH OF THEM! Jenna's two and Cole's three.)
So after Lamour and Francis, Cole's parents (Lamour is my half-sister) left Cole with us, we began driving to the PNE, to go to PLAYLAND!!! :D My dad was driving, and Cole and I were in the back seat. Cole was eating potato chips.
"Where's mommy-daddy?" Cole suddenly asked. This was unusual, because usually he was just happy to see us and start playing and having fun.
"Mommy and daddy aren't here right now," we explained. "They'll be back tomorrow."
"WHYYY?" (His favorite word.)
"They went on a little vacation."
"They'll be back tomorrow."
Then he started to stick his bottom lip out, and whimper. "I want mommy-daddy..." he stated. Silence, for a while. Then,
"They're my best friends."
It was SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like "Awwww!" :)
Anyway, later we went to Playland and had LOTS of fun, and he didn't miss his parents anymore... and we went on lots of rides but his favorites were that little car one, where the car goes around a track and you can pretend to drive, and the slides, where you climb up really high to the top of these huge, colourful slides and slide down on mats. He squealed with delight on that one! At first, Cole and I went together because I thought he'd be scared, but then he wanted to go, "By my sewf." It's good that he's independent! :)
So we had *tons* of fun, and I swear, he is the cutest little guy in the world.
Now for #2.
Here are the pictures, and I'll explain why I like them:

I like this, because I've been there and it's SO awesome! It's this little place in Vegas (I forget the name though) where the ceiling is painted like the sky, and when you eat at this restaurant overlooking this little river running through, you see these singing men and women on boats, taking people for rides and singing beautifully! Very inspiring.

Also, this:

It's like everyday life; beautiful. Those little things we take for granted like stepping onto an escalator. It just goes to show, anything can be beautiful.

And finally,

Now, if this isn't true friendship, I don't know what is.
The hidden message in this one, I find, is that anyone can be friends with anyone, no matter what their differences are!
(Plus, isn't it just the cutest thing you've ever seen?!)

Ah. I always love good pictures.
Moving on, I guess, to number 3.

So, instead of posting blog posts at random, here's my new schedule.
Every Friday I'll post about how my week went, like a diary-entry type thing.
Every Sunday I'll post something random, like a quiz or some pictures, or my thoughts on some random topic.
And lastly, every Wednesday I'll post some of my writing--not one of my serious books, but just something random, like a lil poem or short story!
I find these blog posts a great way to warm up, before I begin writing seriously. And I hope other people like them, too!

WARNING: I may, sometimes, go off-schedule and post before it's my designated time ;P Whoops, if I do. Sometimes you just can't help it.
See you... WEDNESDAY!!!
Ta-ta, my little muffins!


  1. first of all.
    cole must have been so cute when he said "momy and daddy are my best friends"
    second of all.
    I LOVE THAT LAST PICTURE, of the turtle and dog! makes me think off our friendship. off how we met we were completly different, and now look at us :P PS: I LOVE THET TURTLE SOOOO MUCH. FOR MY BIRTHDAY IN AUGUST WANNA BY ME A TURTLE :B
    third of all.

  2. 1. yes he was :D
    2. IKR!!!! and sure, a turtle it is xP
    3. yeah but they'll be super long :) and i'll post on my other blog, My Writing more than 3 times a week :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I love ur blog and ur writing guys check at my site at:

  5. thanks!! i did, it's good! :)

  6. Hey,I came onto your blog from Lisi's site, because it was linked from your name. I'm following! Do you think you could follow me?
    First of all, your nephew sounds sooo cute! Second, I LOVE those photos, especially the one of the shoe and the staircase. And third, I love the schedule. :)

  7. Aw, thanks so much, francesca! I'll definitely follow your blog. & thanks for all the compliments :) you seem really nice! :D

  8. thanks for coming to my blog. no way am i a writer i only like english at school is cause of the people in my class and my teacher that makes it really amusing. the stuff i write is just my rants and thoughts and opinions so its not really organised.
    im following <3

  9. hey francesca I looked at your blog and i am following guys go on my blog and follow it is:
    June 7, 2010 9:42 PM

  10. sky- thanks! i'm following yours as well! :) and yeah, i love english class @ my school too. the teacher basically doesn't care what we do :) so we just talk all class usually. haha.


If you're thinking twice about commenting, I'll make the decision easier--please do comment! It doesn't matter who you are, or how you found my blog, but if you have something nice to say that will make me smile please don't hesitate :) Love, Kayla.