Friday, July 16, 2010


My week went well this week.
It's so damn HOT OUTSIDE... I've been drinking lotsa water :)
It was my friend Kieran's birthday this week, on July 14th... SHOUT OUT TO HER! HBD!! :D
I had so many sleepovers with her this week (too many to count!) and we swam in my pool a lot. We went to playland also :] !
My niece Jenna was over one day, and we babysat her :)
She sang happy birthday to Kieran, in her cute little voice. x:) it was adorable!! :)
All 2-and-3-year-olds are just the cutest things ever, aren't they?
So yeah,
That was my week. Hanging out with Kieran :D
Now I'm sorry, but I stayed up until 2 last night at her birthday party and woke up at 8, so I'm going to lie down and watch TV and possibly sleep now.


  1. Awesome post as usual =) I'm glad that you've had a nice week. And I love babies, there so cute! Have a beautiful dream =) Lots of endless love <3

  2. Sounds like you're having a good summer! :)


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