Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Like Summer :)

Hey guys :)
I haven't posted in a while, because I've been very busy. I'm in this volleyball day-camp thing, and omg it's *exhausting.* But really fun :)
From 1:30-4:30 it's like nonstop playing volleyball except short water breaks. And for once it's super sunny out = tres hot.
*Dramatically faints.*

But I have been writing a bit!
My friend Kieran and I are working on a new novel, "Independent." That's the title. It's about this teenaged girl and all her loved ones died so she's all alone :( So she runs away, because she really doesn't want to live in an orphanage, and so she manages in the woods on her own.
As well, she saves a little girl from getting run over by a train; fights for food and water; and meets this rich boy who she saves from a pack of wolves.
Impressive, right? :P
We're on page 20 right now, but we're hanging out on Friday so I'm hoping maybe we'll get up to 30? :D *Crosses fingers.*

I'm also editing this book I wrote a while ago. I just kind of abandoned it for a while.
Sometimes I get bored of a certain book and need a break from it. So this book I was working on, I was on page 100 or 130 or something, and I just had to write like *FIVE MORE PAGES* and it would be completely done. And then I could say I finished another novel! :)
But for some reason I just couldn't bring myself to finish it. So for, like, a month I totally abandoned it and suddenly I'm like "KAYLA. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU. GO FINISH IT!"
So I did :D
And now I'm editing it, which is a very long and hard process. D:
I really want to send it in to a publisher soon though!
Maybe in the winter I'll be done. Who knows.

So besides editing THAT book, and working on Independent, I'm also working on three other books.
A Summer to Remember (See at top of blog), Life Flashes Before Your Eyes, and this new kind of untitled one about these different people's instant message conversations.
So there you go--that's what I've been up to :)
But don't worry, I still obsessively check all your blogs to see if you've posted something new! :P
I just hadn't had it in me to do a whole blog post for a while.

Anyway, I better go eat breakfast.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Favorite Quote of All Time:

"Everyone wants happiness...

No one wants pain,

But you can't have a


Without any rain."

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Few Pics

It's amazing where a book can take you... To heaven; to hell; underwater; or just a normal day on earth. Books can take you where no other form of entertainment can--and the best part? It's all in your mind, so you can imagine it the way you want to. That's why I love writing. I love reading, too--I love everything to do with words, and description, and thinking deeply... How can you not?

With the right angle; the right lighting; the right camera; the right setting; the right time... you can make anything, even a simple purple converse shoe, look like the most beautiful thing you've ever seen.

Animals are amazing, the way they bring happiness to humans like nothing else can...

Couldn't say it any better myself.

Oh, and one more thing...

I love the world.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

You Know What?

I'm not liking this whole schedule thing.
I want to post when *I* want to,
And not be all restricted by three certain, par-tic-ular days.
So that's what I'm going to do.
I might post once a week, or twice.
Or maybe seven times if I feel like it.
Sometimes I'm too busy, and sometimes I have nothing to do.
So I guess we'll see,
And it'll be a surprise when I post next!
Yeah, I think this works out better for me.
-Kaleda :)

Friday, July 16, 2010


My week went well this week.
It's so damn HOT OUTSIDE... I've been drinking lotsa water :)
It was my friend Kieran's birthday this week, on July 14th... SHOUT OUT TO HER! HBD!! :D
I had so many sleepovers with her this week (too many to count!) and we swam in my pool a lot. We went to playland also :] !
My niece Jenna was over one day, and we babysat her :)
She sang happy birthday to Kieran, in her cute little voice. x:) it was adorable!! :)
All 2-and-3-year-olds are just the cutest things ever, aren't they?
So yeah,
That was my week. Hanging out with Kieran :D
Now I'm sorry, but I stayed up until 2 last night at her birthday party and woke up at 8, so I'm going to lie down and watch TV and possibly sleep now.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Writing... AND AN AWARD! :D (I've always wanted to say that)

Okay, first of all YES, I got my
Thank you so much, Abby! , because I don’t know how to tag names :P
Here it is:

Nine people I’d like to award this to (because I luv their blogs!!!) are…

1. Talia (even though your blog is being deleted! :()

2. Kieran (my real-life friend! who is sitting right beside me! :))

3. Francesca (i know you're going through a hard time, and maybe this will cheer you up a bit?)

4. Hannah (gorgeous, meaningful blog!)

5. Alexis (even though you don't post anymore)

6. Molly (amazing blog!!)

7. Claire (even though you don't post anymore...)


9. Aires band! (Okay… I meant the OTHER members of the band BESIDES me. For their amazing blog!)

I know I’m lame, but I couldn’t come up with ten people.
How sad is that? :( :P

Well anyway, I know some of them won’t even read this but those who do, I hope you pass it on! :D

Now, writing time.
Here’s a poem, because I’m not too good with writing short stories.
They’re pretty hard for me—it’s novel or nothing.
So I find poems much, much easier to make.
Okay, here goes.

It’s about love.

What is love?

“Love” is such a simple word.
We can express the hundreds,
Of emotions running through our veins by a simple little,

“I love you,” can mean thousands of things.
“I love you… please don’t be mad at me!”
“I love you… you’re my boyfriend, and I don’t really, but I’m young and naieve.”
“I love you… so much right now, random acquaintance, who I don’t really love but want to make happy by saying it.”
What does it really mean,
“I love you”?

And do you love your best friends,
The same way you love your husband?
Do you love your parents,
Like you love your daughter?
That burning passion and need to protect people from anything, even if it risks your life, even if you’ll be caused the upmost pain but as long as they’re okay it doesn’t really matter to you… is this love?
So… do you really love your best friends?

Sometimes I wonder,
Not if it exists—you see it everywhere.
Not if it is real—you know it’s there.
Not if it’s stupid—how could it be?
Not if I’ve felt it—because who hasn’t, really.
But sometimes I wonder, why hate?
Why not just love?
Why can wars, and killing, and stealing, and criminal acts
Still go on, still continue, through the unbreakable emotion of love?
Sometimes I wonder…
I wonder how strong it is, and how much it can exist.

And I suppose that’s because those criminals have never… never really felt love before.
Maybe that’s all we need—somebody to love.
And care about.
And risk our lives for.
And protect.
And laugh with.
And cry with.
And be with for as long as we live.
And I suppose some people don’t have any of this.

I don’t know… I don’t know where I’m going with this.
I just don’t know the answers.
What is love?
And why doesn’t everyone have it?
And why has this amazing concept of all these emotions
Become twisted into some superficial thing that people casually say to each other?
I don’t know.

Does anyone?
What is love?

Okay… that was confusing. I kind of just poured everything on my mind into my computer, without really editing.
And you can’t really call it a poem.
Just because the first line matches with the last line of each verse,
Does not make it a poem.
It’s more of a… a messy string of thoughts casually tied together.

I’ll write a more proper poem now.

It’s about leaves.



Leaves are shallow forms of life,
They don’t really feel, or think.
But, neither do humans, sometimes,
Sometimes we just go along with things.

Leaves float along, with the flow
Wherever the wind might take them.
They don’t stop to consider, “Do I really want to go?”
Or if they have choices, or freedom.

They follow along, wherever
All the other leaves go.
But people, we don’t do that whatsoever…
Wait… do we? Do you? I don’t know.

Leaves venture off their trees,
Like humans do their homes.
They change their colour, frequently,
Like humans as they grow.

So much we are the same,
As these obedient little leaves,
“Go with the flow,” people say
But do you really agree?

If that was confusing, the point was that leaves go with the flow, and so do humans, but we shouldn’t. We should be independent. Strong. Not like those tiny, brainless leaves.
I’ve mentioned I hate followers of the “cool group.”
That’s kind of what this is about.

I vow to try and never do something just because
Everyone else is.

Okay, that’s good for today I think :)
Au revoir, mes amies!
(Yeah… I suck at French sometimes. But for some reason I really like speaking it.)


Sunday, July 11, 2010


Hey guys. Sunday post is gunna be pretty short.
I'm on vacation; visiting my grandparents in Vernon. So, I won't have much time to post here... busybusy!
I promise I'll make a SUPERpost on Wednesday though >:)

P.S., I lllooovvveee when people comment nice things :) You are all so wonderful. Thank you so much for your comments!
As soon as I get back (Monday-ish) i will comment on all your blogs!
I'm just busy now, as I said.

G2g eat breakfast...!

Friday, July 9, 2010

My Gleeful Week

Oh, what a week it was this week!
Monday through Friday, I was in a Glee Camp (you know? the show? glee?) for SIX HOURS EACH DAY, singing and dancing. It was at Douglas College, and I was in it with my friend Kieran.
*Dramatic pose.*
The whole week, the class (of 13 people) prepared for a final performance, with singing and dancing and even some acrobatics too :)
We performed today, and let me just say we did
It was amazing, and loads of fun.
Our setlist,
1. Bad Romance (I had a duet with Kieran in this!)
2. Jessie's Girl (So fun... being all girly and dancy.)
3. Defying Gravity (Wasn't in this... I find the song cheesy and slightly annoying... but the people who did perform it were amazing!)
4. Hey Soul Sister (Had a lil solo in this!)
5. Carry On My Wayward Son (Had a huge dance routine in this, with a small group of 4 other people)
6. Lean On Me (The door to get to the stage locked when you closed it, and someone let it swing closed when they walked off, so I was locked in AND I HAD A HUGE SOLO!!! >:( After me and my friends did a few polite knocks, I gave up and banged on the door as loud as I could, and screamed, "LET US OUT! WE'RE LOCKED IN!" Everyone on stage heard me... but hey ;) it worked. Oh, and I did my solo and it went well :))
7. Billie Jean (Dancing in this.)
8. Don't Stop Believing (Woot! End song. Awesome. Dramatic. Amazing. I had an acrobatic little thingymajig with Kieran and another girl, Elisse. I did the splits at the end, or attempted to, because I couldn't QUITE get it... Anyway. A great ending to a fun show!)

So there you have it :)
My week of practicing.
I made tons of new friends in the camp, which reminds me... I better go add some people on facebook!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Nonfiction, For Once

"I seriously have to post on my blog..."
"Why?" she demands, holding in a laugh at my obsessiveness.
"Be-CAUSE. I have to. I already missed a day and I can't again." I roll my eyes, frustrated that she can't just read my mind and know why this is important.
Alexis sighs.
"Yay!" I squeal and hurry up the stairs, and sit down on the little red plastic chair facing a sleek silver macbook pro. I smile.
Then frown.
"...Wait, what should I write ABOUT?" I ask her, pissed off that I lost my good idea I had two hours ago. I had this whole thing planned... so easily forgotton.
"I don't know! How bout... how hot it is today?" Alexis sits on her bed, exhausted.
"How about this lil green cup?" She holds up a smiling mug with some sort of bandanna thingy over its eyes.
"Uh, no thanks."
"Why do you have to write, anyway?"
She literally *collapses* on the bed, laughing.
"Writing Wednesday?" Alexis sputters between giggles. "How *corny*!"
I roll my eyes, because I KNOW it's corny and so what?
I like corny.
"You could have done so many more NORMAL things!" she informs me (thanks...) "like Wacky Wednesday!"
I huff.
"Still not helping."
I tell her to shhh, I'm writing, and that I'll be done soon.
So I wrote a little nonfiction, which I never, ever do :)
Unless it's for school, or something.

P.S., BOOK RECOMENDATION! Wings by... I think her name is Arianna Pike? I'm not completely positive. Something Pike. For sure Pike.
It's good, and I know it sounds kinda stupid like fairies and all but my friend Kieran reccomended it to me and I actually really like it :) which surprised me.
Not what I usually read, that's for sure.
Anyway, g2g. I've ignored Alexis long enough.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Firstly and foremost, I apologize about not posting on friday. It was my half-sister's birthday and I was just too bizzay. :(
But hey, I swear, it won't happen again.
Which is why I'm posting now :)
And today, I'll tell you about my lil swimming trip.

A light-hearted post, after my last Deep Confusingness.
So here we go.

So me and my bestus bud Kieran (follow her blog at ... she loves water ;P) went SWIMMING, of course, because as I just said, she luhhh-vs water.
Kieran's awesome :) We always have fun when we hang out. In fact, I'm at her house hogging her computer right now.


So swimming. We went to the west van pool (cuz it's warm... like a bath!) and began swimming.
Quickly, I became addicted to the twisty slide.
So I kept wanting to go on it, and then I said, "OKAY, I SWEAR. JUST ONE MORE TIME." Kieran sighed. "No!!!" she laughed. So we agreed she'd wait at the bottom for me, and I'd go down.
So I climb the stairs, and I'm at the top, right?
And she's at the bottom.
And conveiniently (spelling... I know) there was a clear wall at the top so I could see her. So I look down, and she's looking up at me from the pool. And of course, because she's Kieran, she starts making faces.
And I, because I'm Kayla, start to laugh uncontrollably, and make faces back.
And this poor man is standing out of the pool, directly in front of Kieran, and that poor soul thinks I'm making faces at HIM.
So I make a point of looking OVER and BEHIND him as I make the faces.
He looks to the left. He still doesn't see who I'm making faces to.
He looks to the right. Still nobody.
So now Kieran is sticking her butt out of the water, and JUST AS THE MAN FINALLY FIGURES IT OUT AND LOOKS BEHIND HIM,
he sees Kieran now
... AT HIM.
And I can see the look in his eyes--he's FREAKING out.
I laugh so hard I can't breathe.
Kieran is oblivious and thinks I'm laughing at her funny joke.
Later, as I explain to her, she starts laughing very hard as well and insists I post it on my blog.
So I do ;)


Ahhh that was fun.
And there you go--your Funny Story of the Day.

TTYL--gotta give Kieran her computer back.
Follow her blog, people!!
