Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Just Have this One, Nagging Question... Can You Answer It for Me?

One day I just wondered
What started it all?
The very first tree, in the very first world, in the very first universe…

I thought of people, and how they originated
Why did it happen?
Was one cell just magically made, out of nothing, somewhere, somehow, unknown…

I’m not religious, so I don’t take the easy answer of “God created life”
I seriously wonder: how did I get here?
Maybe it was all just an accident; not supposed to happen; not because of any reason whatsoever…

“There must be an explanation for everything,” says my school teacher
But there isn’t, is there?
You can’t explain why the rain falls or how everything started… You can’t explain how everything will end
Why not?
I want to know.

I just want to understand…
Who can I ask?

Like this crazy, inflowing, messy poem,
life confuses me.

P.S., I finally figured out how to enable comments on "A Summer Story" !! :) Feel free to comment, now :]

Sunday, June 27, 2010


It's Sunday :)
But you knew that.
Today, I'm in the mood to make lists.
Bunches of lists.
Lists of lists.
So here I go :)
Don't try and stop me.

1. List of things I love.
-My family
-My friends
-My pets
-The colour pink
-Sunny days

2. List of things I hate.
-Large spiders that scuttle in front of you and make you scream
-People who get mad over nothing, and freak out, to get attention
-When people stop loving each other
-Mean people
-When wet, muddy dogs rub against your legs
-The fact that all good things eventually come to an end
-Things being shoved in my face
-Mosquito bites

3. List of things that are extremely cute.
-Little kids
-Kittens and puppies
-Baby pumpkins
-Travel-sized everything
-Young love
-Old love
-Any love
-Saying unexpected nice things
-Mini oranges
-Baby animals

4. List of things I want to do before I'm thirty.
-Conquer fears
-Go on vacation with a friend
-Travel to Greece
-Splash in a huge mud puddle with large rain boots
-Publish a book
-Take a cat for a walk outside
-Draw something that doesn't suck
-Sit on a roof and play guitar
-Complete a whole CD with my band, of our songs
-Slap someone I'm mad at
-On the last day of grade 12, do the ultimate prank
-Ride in a limo

5. Last list! List of my summer goals.
-Write another book
-Do something new, that I wouldn't normally do
-Run along a beach as fast as I possibly can, and not stop until it's impossible to run any more
-Inspire someone
-Help someone who needs me
-Go on vacation
-Have the time of my life

The end.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Things That Occured

Well, my week so far went good, I'd say.
Pretty good.
-It's summer = no work!
-I hung out with my friends and family a lot this week.
-It's been so sunny and nice out.
-It was just a generally awesome week :)

-I have bronchitis.
-My mom's in China!
-My friend Claire is leaving soon, so I always feel like this might be the last time I see her.
-IT'S TOO HOT OUT... *pant, pant.*

I discovered this thing (okay, my friend showed it to me) called CleverBot.
It's hilarious to make conversation with it xP

I watched a Bachelorette Spoiler... Oooh, gunna be a very delicious episode Monday!!! Huge confrontation is going to happen :D

I've been searching for this certain picture that I saw on Talia's blog, , and it's like this list of numbers and each one says to look at another number, for example.
1. look at number two!
2. look at number eight!
I want it because at the end it says something really nice and I want to send it to my mom who's in China :) <3
Talia, if you read this, could you please send me the link to it or something, or tell me which page of Weheartit it's on? If it's even on Weheartit... I don't know. Just making assumptions.
Pretty please and thank you! :)

I made iced coffee this morning.

I woke up at six twenty-ish this morning due to a ton of sun coming through my window, which was a really nice way to wake up.

This week, I hung out with my lovely friend Kieran, who has a blog which you can see from this link:
It's hilarious and really fun! :)

I also hung out with Claire, Oksana, Justine, Alexis, Cherry, and Selina. :) It was fun!
They either don't have a blog or never post on their blogs.

My niece and nephew both did some really adorable things this week.
Niece = Jenna. 2 years old.
Nephew = Cole. 3 years old.

Cute Thing that Cole Did:
Cole, my half-sister (his mom), and I were walking to the park, but it had been torn down by a "mean, bad" bulldozer so we were walking back. There was this red sign in front of an outside restaurant that said "No Hard Alcohol Beyond This Point!". Cole asked what it said. We told him.
He asked why.
We tried to explain.
Then he wondered,
"...Can I have some hard alcohol?" in this adorably cute voice :) I was laughing a lot, and in my head going AWW!
We told him no, he could not have some hard alcohol.

Cute Thing that Jenna Did:
Jenna and Cole were really bonding this one day. They were causing a ton of mischief by tipping over small chairs and laughing really hard, refusing to eat their dinner, running all around in circles gleefully, and such.
So they went upstairs in Jenna's room to play, and they wanted to jump on her little crib. So they started jumping and giggling while I supervised that they didn't hurt themselves, and then eventually they got worn out, of course.
They wanted to pretend to go to sleep, so after a bit of arguing over which blankets they had, they settled down. Just pretending, though, that it was bed time.
Cole said, "Good night!" and then pretended to sleep.
Jenna sighed. "It's been a long day," she said.
She pretended to sleep too.
I found that extremely adorable, as if she was an adult hard at work the whole day, finally getting a rest! Again, I thought AWW!
She probably picked it up from some adults.

They're both so cute :)

So my week was fairly good, besides the bronchitis.
Hope everyone else's week was amazing!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Old Stuff

Hey girls! :)
Today I decided I would leaf through a few of my old, old, old Microsoft Word documents, and post some things that I think are funny/nostalgic/amazing. So here we go.
Okay. I found a bunch of old poems and tiny stories from a couple years ago, back in 2008. It was when my Grade 6 teacher (I think?) enrolled me in this “Gifted Young Writers” workshop—ugh, I just hate when people say the word “Gifted”… it’s so cliché and completely exaggerating… Come on, we’re kids, you can not tell how “Gifted” or “Un-Gifted” we are. Anyway, they told us to post all these poems on Wikipedia or something, and short stories, so here are some of my poems:
I found this one that was really sad, about a little baby cat.
Here it is:

-Forever and ever-

I looked down at the new born cat
Hairless, eyes shut, lying on the mat
A part of me said "That's really gross!"
But another part said "I love her the most."

This cat was small, and meek, and cute
She was different, and shy, and right now, mute
She could not meow, or move around
It seemed like she was glued to the ground

However, in spite of those things
I loved her still and thats what it means
To love at first sight no matter how tall
Or skinny or fat or big or small

She was the best thing that happened that day
She was different and special in her own way
I looked after her, cared for her, fed her still
I loved her now and always will

This cat has shown something to me
Just 'cause you're different, can't hear, or can't see
It doesn't mean that you can not live
Or care, or share, or love, or give.

(Pardon the typos… I was young and didn’t really edit my work then.)

I really like the last two lines. Pretty deep, for an eleven year old, eh?
Here’s another one:


Spring is when the flowers bloom
When it's sunny, from morning to noon
Pick an apple and a pear
Sniff the flowers, breath fresh air

Spring is happy, spring is glee
Spring is blooming flowers and trees
Warm and sunny, but sometimes cold
Spring is like a pot of gold

Shiny, shimmery, sparkly and great
Some gentle pink flowers in a vase
Spring, spring, the time to love
The time to care, and look above

See the sky, so blue and fresh
Remember what it's like to rest
Just relax and have a good day
Come on, its spring, here to stay.

Here’s one last one… A haiku.

The warm summer breeze
Blows the leaves on the trees and
Whistles through my hair

Children laugh and play
The have lots of fun all day
In the beach's hot sand

Swimming in the pool
Waiters serving you cold drinks
It's so refreshing

Well, thanks for listening!
This was really fun doing, because as I searched through all my old documents they brought back such clear memories…

Well, I hope you all have a very good day today. As for me, I’m sick with a harsh cough and runny nose, and I have a group of friends coming over this morning at ten o’clock. Hopefully I’ll manage!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sunday Photos

Today, I have some photos to share with you all.
Here they are…

Why can’t we get up right now, get a big bunch of balloons, and walk wherever we want to and do whatever we want to do? Why are we so confined—glued to our computers and T.Vs like robots. Why can’t we leave, what is that force attaching us… keeping us reading, staring…? Why can’t we be free? What is that, sucking me in…?

Sometimes I feel like I’m the only person in the whole world. The feeling only lasts a short while, so there’s no time to miss others. I just feel empowered, like I’m amazing, and perfect in every way… Again, it only lasts a short while. Then I realize the truth, that nobody’s perfect, that maybe I won’t make a change in the world, and maybe I’m just a little girl with a big heart and a very confused mind, who really doesn’t matter.

You know, even though sometimes I feel that way, I know deep inside that I’m wrong. My emotions get twisted and confused, but the truth is, I do matter. You do, too. Everyone does. This little boy running with bread probably has a story to tell, magic he experienced, and love he has that will never die. Everyone’s capable of doing great things, no matter who you are. Everyone matters. Just stop being lazy and go prove it. Stop thinking you’re useless. Stop. You’re not.

Clouds are gorgeous things, aren’t they? So peaceful, floating mindlessly, wherever the wind guides them. Sometimes I feel like a cloud. Powerless, but happy nonetheless. Other times I feel like the wind. Invisible, but with great power. I’m just one of millions, right? Invisible. But I know I can change the world, and I will change the world someday.

I wonder, if you sailed as far as you could, cautiously avoided the waterfalls and whirlpools but took whatever turns you wanted to take… where you’d end up? Is there some place we haven’t discovered yet? Some land with magic—animals that never die and plants that bloom the biggest flowers, you could use them as houses. Is there such a place? Maybe there is. Maybe it’s located in our mind, and nowhere else.

You might find ^ those confusing. I know—I just wrote what was on my mind. And my mind can be quite scattered. Sorry if I don’t make sense. I hope I do. I hope you can understand me…


P.S, HAPPY FATHERS DAY! Love you, Dad <3

Friday, June 18, 2010

It's Official

Yes, it is. As of yesterday at twelve-ish...
it's official.

IT'S SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

God, I am SO excited. My favorite part is that I don't have to work :) Until September, that is. That's TWO WHOLE MONTHS OF DOING ABSOULTELY *NOTHING*.
What could be better?
I didn't wanna post about my past week, like I usually do, because it would go something like this:
Study, exam, study, exam, study, study, study, study, exam, exam, exam, exam, study, exam, study, study, study
And it would depress me.
So instead I'll talk about the future.

Five things I look forward to in the very near future:
1. Renovating my blog again to make it summery. I swear, this will be the last change until September. PROMISE. I just want to make it really summer-themed so whenever I look at it it will cheer me up. I'll do that later. Au revoir, poulets.
2. Waiting till the sun comes out, and then going for a swim in my backyard pool.
3. Writing more of my story.
4. Having a sleepover with my friend Alexis tonight, at her house, and staying up late.
5. Being Happy. :)

I've acheived #5 so far :)

Five things I look forward to in the a-bit-distant future:
1. Getting my braces off in a few months.
2. My mom coming back from her business trip to China. (She left this morning from the Vancouver Airport and is staying 12 days.)
3. Getting my report card... I usually do well, and I get money for each A, and that means SHOPPING :)
4. Going on vacation. We'll probably go to Hawaii :)
5. Going to the beach with friends.

Two things I dislike:
1. My mom being in China.
2. My AMAZING friend Claire leaving for Korea this summer, and then in the coming-up school year going to BOARDING SCHOOL >:( I'm going to call Boarding School B.S.

One thing I love-love-love:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Some Poems

-Just a few little thoughts and feelings I scrapped together-

First Poem.
“Filled up.”

I’m filled with hope,
I’m filled with glee,
I’m filled with sorrow,
And sympathy.

I’m filled with happiness,
I’m filled with logic,
I’m filled with gratefulness
And a tad neurotic.

I’m filled with love,
I’m filled with warmth,
I’m filled with opinions,
I’m filled with heart.

I’m filled with thoughts,
Of what could be,
I’m filled with dreams,
Yet still loyalty.

I’m filled with longing,
I’m filled with satisfaction,
I’m filled with honesty,
Different moods, different actions.

I’m filled with all these things,
Inside me,
And sometimes when things happen…
Big things,
Surprising things,
Terrifying things,
Saddening things,
Angering things,
Difficult things,
Confusing things…
Sometimes I feel
Like I’m going to

Second Poem.

Round, and
Perfectly shaped,
Never out of its order,
Never out of it’s place, but
Sometimes the circle will break and the raw, terrifying edges
Will appear so suddenly,
You don’t know what
To do with them,
Except learn
How to deal
With the
Nobody’s a perfect circle.

Third Poem.
“A Face in the Crowd.”

I’ll be talking; talking like normal,
About the
It’ll start off
And proceed
But when I see you walk by,
Like you always do;
You always walk by;
Then my speech startsto slur togetherandIcan’t makeouttherightwords
Your face.

Fourth Poem.
“Rule the World.”

Have you ever wondered what would happen
If you could change the world?
If you could turn it inside out, fold it around,
Stretch it or bend it however you could?
You could make people adore you,
And hate who you hate,
And everything would be
In its
No homework, or drama queens,
Or those awful,
Stinging bees
That you’re allergic to.
It will be fine, and perfect,
But what if perfect
Isn’t really
At all?!
What do you do then?
You could re-
start, but that might
Even be worse,
You could try,
and try,
and try,
But it’s no use, it’s already cursed…
What would you do if
YOU were in charge?
And you lost control…
Do you still want things perfectly,
I don’t.

Last Poem.

Seven syllables,
Fourteen letters,
Scribbled in my navy blue pen

Noticing details, wondering what
They could mean.
Could they mean something?
Expanding your thoughts.
Reading between the lines.
But not just thinking.

Really thinking.

Do you really think?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. I have committed two offenses in the same day.
1. I went ahead and posted before my designated post day.
2. I changed the background of my blog to little chicken-things :)
If you don't like it, too bad. *I* think they're just the cutest.
Please bear with me; I've just finished an English exam and I'm really tired of studying, and just want some
So please,
be nice to my new little chicken friends?
Don't tease them.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oh, and By The Way...

You know that teeny-tiny story I posted a long time ago?
About the ants, and the girl?
Well the answer to the question was...
Drumroll, please!!!
Observant 8]

Imaginative @- - :O

Optimistic :D

Lonely :'{

Shy <:|

:) And the winner of the one who got it MOST CORRECT... ISSSSS....

Um, nobody. Because nobody guessed.


That's okay, though. Whatever.
I mostly post these blogs for my own amusement anyway :) Though I would love to hear your thoughts, it's quite okay if you're busy.
I'm not one of those people who's all,
Nah. I'm okay with whatever.
But I do value your opinions, so don't hesitate to critique my posts ;P
Love you all,

Oooh, and P.S? I changed my whole blog lay-out, as you can obvs see. The picture at the front is the title page of my new novel, "A Summer to Remember." Click on "A Summer Story" to read the story :) [it won't let me change the title to A Summer to Remember. But oh well]
Enjoy! :)


So my random blog post of this sunday is....



"kayla, seriously, what the hell are you talking about?"

You haven't heard?


Okay. I'll tell you.
Aires is pronounced "air-ees" like the sign, but spelled differently. It is the name of a band, with four guh-orgeous girls, filled with sweet guitar, lovely clarinet, beautiful piano, and stunning vocals. They're the next big thing, you just watch ;) And guess who's in the band?
and me :)
I play guitar and sing a bit, and I can also play clarinet and piano but since Madeline and Hannah already do that, I just play guitar :) And sing. A bit. But Kieran is by faaaar the best singer :)
So today, we went to a recording studio... eeek! I know.
I completely expected a huge fight to break out over WHY DIDN'T YOU GET IT RIGHT or WHY ARE YOU CHANGING IT NOW?! or some other bloody thing.
But guess what? It didn't :) We were amazing, if I do say so myself ;)
Hopefully it'll be a hit, but I don't know... I'm happy with how it is now, our very first song on a private soundtrack.
So we've had a mini-photoshoot (photo credit to us, Kieran's mom, and Brian, our instructor) of us jumping on the trampoline, sitting on a playground, and on rocks surrounded by flowers with our instruments (except piano... haha) and now we've gone to a recording studio, and next we'll be preforming some old songs at a senior's centre!
It's gunna be so fun :)
And I'd upload a photo from our shoot--I truly would--but we haven't uploaded them to the computer yet because it's out of memory so we can't save them... Ah well, we will later :)
This has been my random venting of the day,
And I hope you somehow enjoyed,

P.S--check out my new story, A Summer Story, if you feel like it. I don't know how to enable commenting on it, please tell me if you find out, but in the meantime you can just comment on this blog and tell me what you think, or if you have any suggestions :) Thanks a bunch! -Kk.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Reflections on my Week


Monday, June 7th,
Pretty much just another ordinary day, except that the Bachelorette was on that night. Hunter got sent home, because he just didn’t *click*, I guess, with Ali. I felt bad for the poor guy… and every other innocent guy that got kicked off, for that matter. I mean, how horrible would it be to appear on T.V as a reject? Embarrassing, annoying, frustrating, aggravating… I suppose it’s all for the risk of love, but for the rest of your life you’ll be known as That Guy Who Got Voted Off. I’d hate that… Soon the label would wear off, though, and it would all be okay. Hell, maybe a nice girl would see them on the T.V and later find them and marry them :)
Who really knows.
I like to find out what happened to those guys when the after show airs, and I especially like the happy stories of them finding a girlfriend after :) Love makes me smile.

Tuesday, June 8th,
In the morning, I woke up, and it was *pouring* rain outside! It seemed so gloomy, like the sky just got dumped by her boyfriend and was sobbing. It was raining hard. Rain makes me feel sad, and I don’t know why.
Did someone, thousands of years ago, just decide that rain was sad and sun was happy? I wonder how that came about. And I wonder, if that person instead decided that rain should be happy, would I have felt happy on Tuesday June 8th, when it was raining?
Anyhow, it soon became sunny, in the second half of the day. Like the sky found a new date :) And I felt happy, and inspired, and the world just looked so lit up and cheerful.
Everything’s so much brighter, happier, when it’s sunny.
Why is that?

Wednesday, June 9th,
A good day, I’d say. I always enjoy Wednesdays because at my school it’s a “late” day, which means we don’t have to arrive until nine forty. This way, I can sleep in, and relax, and maybe do some homework I didn’t feel like doing Tuesday night.
As usual, I went on Facebook, checked my blog, updated it, and then suddenly…
“KAYLA! COME QUICK! LOOK!” my dad shouted from downstairs. I quickly ran down, and he said, “Oh, I think it’s gone. But just a second ago, there was a big black bear walking down the street.” So I ran out onto our front deck, to the very corner, and I saw it.
It was huge—I don’t think I’d ever seen a bear before! It was walking up someone’s driveway, on all fours. It was weird, that it was on all fours, because I always imagined bears on their two hind legs, with their front paws above their head, claws out, growling ferociously at you. Huh. This bear looked kind of… peaceful. Confident. Sure of itself. It was like it owned the whole world.
I want to look as confident,
as that bear.

Thursday, June 10th,
In the morning, as I was getting dressed, I was loudly singing Pink music and trying to remember all the songs, in order, from her album Misunderstood. I got up to about number seven.
Some of the songs are so sad, and meaningful,
Some are glamorous, and confident,
Some are bold, fearless,
And some are just heart-wrenchingly amazing.

Friday, June 11th,
Had a hellofa time figuring out my gym locker combo… A very awkward Sex-Ed class again… Science was okay, on the third floor, but when I finally reached the first floor, and began to leave, I realized I’d forgot my jacket and had to run all the way back up… In band we just sat and listened to people playing their solos (I already did mine the last class)… Lunch was fun except I spent HALF OF IT TRYING TO GET THAT DAMN GYM-LOCKER OPEN!!! Haha. And I got dragged down this ramp-thing by Claire, and there were all these little bumps and I was like “AH-AH-AH-AH” and it tickled… But you know what? It was all worth it because now it’s summer,
and I’m free!!!!!
Partly free.
So much for that.

Lol. I enjoyed my lil week :D
And a big shout out to ngozia545… Check out her awesome blog at
I was her very 1st reader of her blog :D YAY MOI.
You were my first reader too, that I didn’t know in real life :) So that makes you special!!!
and a thousand more,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Writing Away...

Hey guys!
Stickin’ true to my schedule :)
It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means!!!
Writing Wednesday!!!
Ha. Corny, I know.
So anyway, here’s a lil poem I wrote, about Playland.

Rides, rides, and more rides
Fit for fun, laughter, and good times
You’ll get a thrill on the humongous drops
You’ll feel fulfilled, after the ride stops
Challenges; accomplishments.

Cotton candy tastes so great
Melting in your mouth, and that yummy taste…
Those mini doughnuts—I always want more
I love that taste of fresh popcorn
Happiness; pleasure.

Running around with your friends, screaming
Laughing, chatting, and “oh em gee”ing
Going on scary rides, together
Knowing your friends will be here forever
Friendship; bonding.

All these things, from one big place
Rides, candy, friends, and Horse Race
Yes, Playland always makes me smile
I never want to leave—can I please stay just a little while

Thanks for listening :) In the comments, please don’t hesitate to give me more ideas for poems to write about!

And I have one more writing exercise for everyone!!! YIPPEEE :D Haha.
Please do try this, and post it on your blog if you find it helpful.
Thanks to a fellow Lisi Harrison Blah-g commenter for sharing this with me!
Alright, so the task is:
Pick five characteristics, of a person (i.e., loyal, kind, sporty, girly, etc.) and write a story of a page or so, and try to portray all the characteristics you were going for in an obvious way. Then, your friends can guess which ones you were going for, and you’ll tell them if they were right or wrong, until they figure out all five!
Okay, so my characteristics are—oops! Can’t tell ;)
Take a guess… And here goes…
(By the way, the characteristics are of the main character, who's thinking.)

I sit on the lowest step of my house entranceway, watching ants march across the pavement of our flat driveway. It’s a sunny day, and when the sun rays glint off the ants’ tiny, black bodies it makes them look slightly reddish-brown. I wonder what ants think—what they feel all day. Maybe they’re just like us, and deep in those anthills they have communities just like humans. Maybe there are Police Officer Ants, and Lawyer Ants, and Criminal Ants (someone has to punish those pesky little picnic-stealers), and—oh, maybe even Girly Ants, with really long, curly antennas.
I watch one attempt to climb a bright green blade of grass, and quickly fall. Nobody notices, but me; nobody really cares. Sometimes I feel like I, too, am a tiny, meaningless ant. When I struggle in life, nobody notices; nobody cares. I don’t have any friends at school, and I’m not very smart, either. My mom says I have an eye for detail, and that’s a positive thing, but that’s just her trying to cheer me up…
I sigh, aloud. The wind from my mouth pushes a baby ant back wards and it falls on it’s little reddish-brown back. I lift out a stubby finger and gently guide it to it’s upright position. My finger must look like a mountain to that teeny, tiny ant…
If I had friends, I’d definitely share my ideas, and theories on the world of ants. But that’s just the thing—I don’t. And I never will. Whenever I try to go up to someone and say hi, something inside me just freezes and I tell myself, Forget it. Tomorrow, I’ll talk to someone. And I never do… I never do. I can only dream of what life would be like if I had someone to talk with, and laugh with. What’s that like? Is it good? It seems like the best thing in the whole world, to me.
And some day, I will get that. I’ll do great things, someday. My guidance councilor is slowly helping me increase my social abilities—slowly but surely. My tutor is slowly helping me increase my grades—incredibly slowly, molasses slowly, but surely… surely. Someday I’ll have what they call ‘friends,’ and someday I’ll graduate from High School along with them and go off to a big, bold, famous life.
I have great hope inside me… much great hope.
I wonder if they have Councilor Ants and Tutor Ants…? And if so, who do they help overcome problems?
I wonder if they have ants like me.

The end.
Well—can you guess them? ;) There’re five. And I didn’t use any of them in the story, or in my example of characteristics to use.
Well, if you’re bored, you can do one of three things.
a) You can comment on my blog and tell me your guesses, or
b) You can go to your own blog and make your own story, or

I strongly recommend C.
Just a few more quick things…

SHOUT OUT to Alexis Ola !!! my bffitwww. :) haha
I kinda just made that last part up on the spot… lol. It means Best Friend Forever In The Whole Wide World. I have lots’a those :) SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY FRIENDS!!!
Check ‘em out!!
See y’all Friday.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bunch 'a Stuff

I have a few things to cover in this blog post...
1. My fun time babysitting yesterday and this morning :)
2. Some more gorgeous pictures I found!
3. My new schedule.

Let's begin with number one, shall we?
So yesterday, and this morning, me and my dad babysat Cole, my nephew (long story. Short = I have a nephew and a niece named Cole and Jenna. SO CUTE, BOTH OF THEM! Jenna's two and Cole's three.)
So after Lamour and Francis, Cole's parents (Lamour is my half-sister) left Cole with us, we began driving to the PNE, to go to PLAYLAND!!! :D My dad was driving, and Cole and I were in the back seat. Cole was eating potato chips.
"Where's mommy-daddy?" Cole suddenly asked. This was unusual, because usually he was just happy to see us and start playing and having fun.
"Mommy and daddy aren't here right now," we explained. "They'll be back tomorrow."
"WHYYY?" (His favorite word.)
"They went on a little vacation."
"They'll be back tomorrow."
Then he started to stick his bottom lip out, and whimper. "I want mommy-daddy..." he stated. Silence, for a while. Then,
"They're my best friends."
It was SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was like "Awwww!" :)
Anyway, later we went to Playland and had LOTS of fun, and he didn't miss his parents anymore... and we went on lots of rides but his favorites were that little car one, where the car goes around a track and you can pretend to drive, and the slides, where you climb up really high to the top of these huge, colourful slides and slide down on mats. He squealed with delight on that one! At first, Cole and I went together because I thought he'd be scared, but then he wanted to go, "By my sewf." It's good that he's independent! :)
So we had *tons* of fun, and I swear, he is the cutest little guy in the world.
Now for #2.
Here are the pictures, and I'll explain why I like them:

I like this, because I've been there and it's SO awesome! It's this little place in Vegas (I forget the name though) where the ceiling is painted like the sky, and when you eat at this restaurant overlooking this little river running through, you see these singing men and women on boats, taking people for rides and singing beautifully! Very inspiring.

Also, this:

It's like everyday life; beautiful. Those little things we take for granted like stepping onto an escalator. It just goes to show, anything can be beautiful.

And finally,

Now, if this isn't true friendship, I don't know what is.
The hidden message in this one, I find, is that anyone can be friends with anyone, no matter what their differences are!
(Plus, isn't it just the cutest thing you've ever seen?!)

Ah. I always love good pictures.
Moving on, I guess, to number 3.

So, instead of posting blog posts at random, here's my new schedule.
Every Friday I'll post about how my week went, like a diary-entry type thing.
Every Sunday I'll post something random, like a quiz or some pictures, or my thoughts on some random topic.
And lastly, every Wednesday I'll post some of my writing--not one of my serious books, but just something random, like a lil poem or short story!
I find these blog posts a great way to warm up, before I begin writing seriously. And I hope other people like them, too!

WARNING: I may, sometimes, go off-schedule and post before it's my designated time ;P Whoops, if I do. Sometimes you just can't help it.
See you... WEDNESDAY!!!
Ta-ta, my little muffins!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Nice" Girls

It's really starting to bug me, how people always go, "Oh, her? She's soooo nice!" when the person, in fact, is not 'soooo nice.' They've just got the label. And I'd like to share, with you, my thoughts on those girls who are known as 'soooo nice.'
There are two types of nice girls:
Superficially Nice
Honestly Nice.
The superficially nice girls always get recognized, while the honestly nice people are really behind the radar (because they don't boast about their niceness).
And, if you don't know the difference, here it is.
If you saw a popular girl picking on a nerdy girl in public, what would you do?
A superficially nice girl would giggle quietly to the popular girl, and say something like "That's so mean!" while still giggling along. This is because they don't want the popular girl to think their mean (Oh! She laughed with my joke! they'll think), but they also don't want the victim girl to think they're mean (Oh! She said "That's so mean!" So she must be on my side! they'll think.)
Now, if an honestly nice girl saw this bullying scene, she'd march right up to the mean girl and yell in her face, until she stops and leaves the victim alone. This demonstrates courage, integrity, and true honesty. Yeah, they'd make a lifelong enemy complete with a bunch of followers-of-the-popular-girl enemies too, but they'd know they did the right thing; the kind thing.
Secondly. If a best friend came crying to you, telling you their boyfriend dumped them, what would you do?
A superficially nice girl would comfort them, saying things like "Oh! Poor you..." but also things like "Maybe it wasn't his fault... Maybe his parents wouldn't let him date... Let's not swear at him because it would be mean." This would comfort the friend... somewhat... but at the same time kind of annoy them (though they wouldn't let it show) that their friend isn't completely taking their side. But, this is useful to the superficially nice girl, because if later that boy asks her about it, she can say that she didn't say anything mean about him.
But! A honestly nice girl would say this to her friend, on impulse:
"Seriously?! What a fucking asshole. He doesn't deserve you, that little bastard."
And that, my friends, is love :) <3
So GIRLS!!! Real, true, nice girls!!! I know how you feel... I know people think you're mean because you tease your friends, make jokes at their expense, and criticize their horrid outfits, but in the end you wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt your close friends, and you'd bitchslap them, and hard, if they tried to.
Stand up for yourself, your friends, and what's right... even if people don't think it's nice.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I just think this photo is gorgeous... it's natural beauty and I like that :) All this photoshopped nonsense... bleeeh D: I prefer natural, real photographs.
Just looking at this photo feels exhilarating; I imagine myself at the top of that huge cliff, gazing down at our beautiful world, wind in my hair and a smile on my face. There's something so inspiring about being on the very top of a cliff at sunset... I don't know exactly what it is, but it's something. I feel like I can do anything, and nothing can stop me. I feel so real, and alive... like everything I do is all worth it, and it'll pay off in the end. I don't know. Something about that picture just makes me so happy.
This summer, my friend Alexis and I are going to go into a photography camp--I can't wait! :D It's at Capilano University. I want to take photographs like that one, of natural scenery; beauty.
Well, anyway. I just wanted to share that gorgeous photo with you guys. If I find more, I'll for sure post them. :)
Buh-bye for now!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I just don't think it's... *Sob* Very fair how... *Sob*

I was typing away on my computer, as usual, and something quite disturbing occured.
I felt extremely distraught.
Here's what happened :(
I typed the word "colour," and then a little red line appeared under it, indicating it was spelled WRONG, or something.
And in Canada, that *is* how you spell "colour."
It was all I could do to keep from weeping.
The insanity... the unfairness...
the RACISM!!!!!!!!
What has the world come to?!

My friend Kieran suggested I change my settings from English US to English Canada.

Xoxo, Maria.

Hey, everyone! As you know, I'm working on a third book, and this one's called "Xoxo, Maria."
Synopsis: It's about a girl, Maria, who has become incredibly famous from starring in a hit movie. At first the fame is awesome, but it soon turns for the worst. She's mobbed wherever she goes, and she makes some bad choices like hanging out with the wrong crowds and doing things she wouldn't normally do. It continues on until she can't take it anymore! She decides she has to get away.
So, Maria packs her bags and runs away. She runs far away, where nobody will ever find her, and cuts off her long brown hair and dyes it red so nobody will recognize her. Before she leaves, she writes a note to her loved ones and old friends, and kisses it with her cherry-red lipstick. Hence the name of the book, "Xoxo, Maria." And during her long journey of running to places she's never been before, she learns a lot; about herself, and about fame in general. She becomes a changed person.
Why am I telling you this? you might ask. I've been writing this book for a few weeks now (I'm on chapter five), so why would I mention it now? Well, just now, I made a title page for it, and here's how it looks:

So, if you'd like to read it, go to
Please give feedback!!!!